GUI ScreenIO for Windows

Imperative Statements

Imperative statements cause the program generator to include the named optional code in the generated program.

General format


where name is the name of the entity that is to be included in the generated program.


Implied conditionals

Optional code types that are specific to certain entities carry an implied conditional that the entity must be present in the panel in order for the imperative statement to be executed, even if an imperative statement explicitly includes the entity.

For example, an optional code block that is specific to a listview control (SUPPORT-CODE:LISTVIEW) will only be included if a listview is defined on the panel.

Imperative Description
!!INCLUDE:name Include the optional code with the label name at this point in the generated program.


!!SCHEDULE:name Schedule the optional code with the label name to be included in the generated program following the end of the master.


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