GUI ScreenIO for Windows



GUI ScreenIO applications are designed around panels; a panel represents a single screen definition (or, in the case of property sheets and wizards, a single logical screen definition). 

Document-centric panels

GUI ScreenIO is document-centric; each of your panels is stored as a standard COBOL copybook.  Everything needed to edit or to run the panel is contained within the copybook.

The panel editor directly edits the panel copybook.

You should never modify the panel copybook using a text editor; always use the GUI ScreenIO panel editor. If you attempt to modify the copybook with a standard text editor you may corrupt the panel copybook.

Panel types

Panel Type Description
Main/Container The first panel that you display in your application must be a main panel. This panel copybook provides initialization settings to GUI ScreenIO and serves as a container for base panels.
Base A panel that occupies the entire client area of the container.  Only one base panel may be displayed at a time; if you display a different one, it simply replaces the one currently displayed.  All base panels reserve space for the menu even if you don't use the menu.

Most applications would consist predominantly of base panels.

Popup A panel that appears to be in front of, or on top of, other panels.  A popup is not restricted to the bounds of your container and may be dragged anywhere on the screen.  Popups may have an optional menu area.
Property Sheet A panel that is composed of two or more pages; you move from one page to another by clicking the tab of the desired page.   Property sheets do not support Main Menus, but do support blind menus.

GUI ScreenIO treats a property sheet as a regular panel; it handles all navigation from page-to-page automatically. 

Wizard A special case of property sheet that presents pages sequentially instead of allowing the user to select a page at will. 

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